Science Magazine – “Fossil evidence reveals that members of Homo erectus on Java… may have persisted on the island until about 100,000 years ago”.

The main thing I want to address in this article is what the so-called “fossil evidence reveals” about the previously named, “Java Man”.  The term is based on the location of the discovery, Java Indonesia.  The term was later changed to Homo Erectus or “upright man”.  One of Haeckel's students, Eugene Dubois, became determined to find Pithecanthropus.  Haeckel believed men might have separated from apes somewhere in Southern Asia.  So, in 1887, Dubois signed up as a doctor with the Dutch medical corps in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), intending to hunt for fossils during all his spare time.  Dubois, it should be noted, had no formal training in geology or paleontology at the time, and his "archaeological team" consisted of prison convicts with two army corporals as supervisors. Years of excavation produced little of significance. Then, in 1891, along Java's Solo River, the laborers dug up a skullcap that appeared rather apelike, with a low forehead and large eyebrow ridges.  Dubois initially considered it from a chimpanzee, even though there is no evidence that this ape ever lived in Asia.  However, the following year, the diggers unearthed three human teeth and a thigh bone that was clearly human.  Dubois, like Piltdown's discoverers, presumed that an apelike bone somewhere near a human bone meant the two belonged to the same creature, constituting Darwin's missing link.  

     In 1895, Dubois returned to Europe and displayed his fossils. The response from experts was mixed, however. Rudolph Virchow, who had once been Haeckel's professor and is regarded as the father of modern pathology, said: "In my opinion, this creature was an animal, a giant gibbon, in fact. The thigh bone has not the slightest connection with the skull." The circumstances of Dubois' find were unorthodox. He had apparently been absent when the convicts dug up his fossils. Maps and diagrams of the site were not made until after the excavation. Under such conditions, a modern dig would be disregarded.

     In 1907, an expedition of German scientists from various disciplines, led by Professor M. Lenore Selenka, traveled to Java seeking more clues to man's ancestry in the region of Dubois' discovery. However, no evidence for Pithecanthropus was found. In the stratum of Dubois' find, the scientists found hearths and flora and fauna that looked rather modern. The expedition's report also noted a nearby volcano that caused periodic flooding in the area. Java Man had been found in volcanic sediments. The report observed that the chemical nature of those sediments, not ancient age, probably caused the fossilization of Pithecanthropus. Nevertheless, the Selenka findings and various deficiencies of Dubois' work were largely ignored, and Java Man became one of evolution's undisputed "facts."

     Fossil evidence is used to determine age by means of radiometric dating.  The practice involves determining the quantity of C-14 (Carbon) remaining in the fossil itself.  This method of radiometric dating is primarily used to determine the age of previously living organic material.

     When cosmic radiation strikes the Earth’s atmosphere it converts N-14 (Nitrogen) into C-14 which is consumed by the fauna by means of inhalation and consumption.  When an organism expires the amount of C-14 begins to decay.  The half-life of C-14 is determined to be at 5,730 years, as a result measurable amounts of C-14 are undetectable beyond 50,000 years.  This article claims that Homo erectus existed on Java “until about 100,000 years ago”.  This number could not have been arrived at by means of C-14 dating.  So, what method of radiometric dating was employed to determine an age of 100,000 years+?  That information was not relayed at any point in the article.  All that is stated in the article is that “the researchers applied five types of radiometric dating” but they do not say what those “types” were.  Furthermore, the article also stated that a “new method” of dating was applied, but again it does not state what that “new method” of radiometric dating was.  Only that it was applied “to those animal fossils and the sediments around them” (emphasis added). 

     But what method of radiometric dating was used for measuring those sediments?  They could have applied any number of differing dating techniques, Polonium/Lead, Potassium/Argon, Rubidium/Strontium or something different.  But all dating methods are highly subjective as they are capable of yielding wide ranging discordant results in the ages given.  This process is achieved by means of measuring the ratio of parent to daughter elements in a given sample, for example, the parent element of Po-218 (Polonium) decays into the daughter element Pb-214 (Lead) with an extremely short half-life of just three minutes.  As such, the parent element Po-218 should be completely absent from any rock formations, and yet they appear in the trillions inside granite, believed to be the “basement” or “first formed” rock after the Earth had supposedly cooled for millions of years.  The existence of these radio polonium halos, however, suggest that those granite rocks were solid inside of three minutes, anything longer would indicate that those polonium halos should not be there, but they are.  Furthermore, if you melt granite, when it solidifies it becomes rhyolite, not granite.  This suggests that granite was never in a molten state.

     Potassium/Argon dating is one of the most popular forms of radiometric dating as it is the least labour intensive, and the most affordable form of dating used.  K-40 is the parent element of Ar-40, which is the daughter element that potassium decays into.  This method of dating typically yields a half-life of 1.25 billion years.  Potassium/Argon dating is primarily used to date igneous and fossil bearing rock strata.  This is a possible dating method that may have been employed to date the fossils at Java.  Remember though, in this method it is not the fossils themselves which are dated, but the sediments surrounding the fossils.  From there it is assumed the fossils are of the same age as the sediments in which they are discovered, a tautology of reasoning.  It cannot be denied that from a strictly philosophical standpoint geologists are here arguing in a circle. The succession of organisms has been determined by a study of their remains embedded in the rocks, and the relative ages of the rocks are determined by the remains of organisms that they contain.[i]  In the American Journal of Science J. E. O’ Rourke stated that, “Radiometric dating would not have been feasible if the geologic column had not been erected first.”[ii]  I’m not sure O’Rourke recognized the gravity of the statement he made.  The geologic column was first proposed by Scottish lawyer and geologist Charles Lyell in the early part of the 19th century.  

     Charles Lyell viewed the rock strata and divided those strata into three broad eras, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.  “Paleo” means “old” or “ancient”.  “Zoe” is the word for “life” therefore “Paleozoic” means “old” or “Ancient Life”.  “Meso” means “middle” so “Mesozoic” means “Middle Life”.  “Ceno” means “new” or “recent” therefore “Cenozoic” means “Recent Life”.  In order to determine the age of each of the rock layers he could not rely on any form of radiometric dating such as uranium-lead, potassium-argon or rubidium-strontium dating method as they had not yet been discovered.  Instead, he determined the age of the layers based on the fossils.  If the layers contained fossils of organisms currently living then those layers were determined to be younger, if the layers contained fossils of organisms no longer living then those layers were determined to be older.  Lyell borrowed the ideas of Scottish scientist James Hutton who advanced the notion of uniformitarianism contrary to the more prominent catastrophism to explain the various sedimentary layers observed.  The mantra of uniformitarianism was that “the present is the key to the past”.  In other words, present gradual geological processes of erosion and vulcanism, for example, have always remained the same.  From this observation, Lyell determined what the dates of the geologic column should be.

     The parent element of Rb-87 (Rubidium) decays into the daughter element Sr-87 (Strontium) with a widely varying half-life of 48.8 billion to 120 billion years.  A variation of 146%.  This method of dating is often employed to date Igneous rock and Metamorphic rock.  This method of radioactive dating was the first extensively used dating method which employed the isochron method.  The term “isochron” means, “equal time”; it is a graph which is utilized to address some of the radiometric dating issues.  The first attempts to answer the question of whether or not any daughter elements were present in the sample when it first solidified.  If there were, then this will affect the final results leaving a misleading age for the sample.  The second attempts to determine if the sample has remained in a closed system throughout its history.  If not, mineral atoms can migrate into or out of the sample invalidating any test results for age.       

     Regardless of whether or not this article provides the method of dating used or not, all dating methods are subjected to a number of assumptions which invalidate the results.  It is due to those built-in assumptions which invalidates the aforementioned isochron method for dating rock samples.  In the hourglass analogy we have a closed system, nothing gets in or out.  The upper half of the hourglass represents the parent element, the bottom half represents what the parent element decays into, referred to as the daughter element. But if I could remove one end of the hourglass and add more sand to it, or remove some of the sand from it, that would affect the time it takes to fall to the bottom.  Furthermore, if I were to excuse a group of students from the class before turning it over.  When I brought them back in, would they be able to determine how long the sand in the hourglass had been falling?  If it was a two-minute hourglass and I brought them back in after a minute, there should be an equal amount top and bottom.  But what if I did not bother turning the hourglass over until 45 seconds into the first minute of that two-minute timer?  There are too many variables and assumptions in the dating of rock samples that make determining their respective ages virtually impossible.   

     Finally, terms like “probably”, “could have” and “may have” that appear in the article indicate a level of subjectivity and conditional possibility, in contrast to terms like “is” and “are” which are a present indicative.  As such, there appears to be a lot of conjecture regarding what the findings actually indicate.


[i] R.H. Rastall. “Geology” Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 10 (1949) p.168.

[ii] J.E. O’Rourke. “Pragmatism versus Materialism in Stratigraphy,” American Journal of Science, vol. 276 (January 1976), p. 54. 


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