
Showing posts from May, 2024


  By Noel Coypel -,-1700.html, Public Domain, Internal Evidence : The Gospel Account Ostensively the gospel accounts provide the most extensive volume of information about Jesus and all that He supposedly said and did. But what is at issue for those arguing against the historicity of Jesus has to do firstly with the credibility of the gospel accounts themselves.      Primarily, the collective sacred scriptura that comprise the ancient MSS of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that encompass the Biblical account, as a whole, is self-attesting. In other words, its truth claims are verified, corroborated, or authenticated by what it avers of itself. Additionally, the Holy Spirit authenticates our sense that this is the word of God. However, these views are unpersuasive to those who do not share the Christian world view. As a result, a more in...


  By Wonder Woman Movie Poster (#6 of 16) - IMP Awards, Fair use, “My dear child, that is not the god killer, you are. Only a god can kill another god ” – Ares. Wonder Woman (2017) The back story for this movie comes from Greek mythology. Earth was ruled by the gods, chief among them was Zeus king of the gods. He was the creator of men who initially were good, but Ares, who was recognized as the god of war, and son of Zeus and Hera, corrupted the hearts of men so the gods created the Amazons “to influence men's hearts with love and restore peace to the Earth”. Hippolyta was queen of the Amazons with whom Zeus had intimate relations the offspring of which was Diana of Themyscira. But this was not the story Diana received from her mother Hippolyta. She informed Diana that she created her out of clay and plead with Zeus to give her life. So, Diana came to believe that she had no father.      As the story goes,...

Of Anakin Skywalker and Jesus Christ

  By, Fair use, “Who is the boy’s father?” – Qui-Gon “ He had no father ” – Shmi In the Principle of Causality, nothing in existence has come into existence without some cause. It follows the Latin maxim ex nihilo nihil fit , “out of nothing, nothing comes”. Typically, this maxim is applied in a cosmological sense regarding the origin of the universe but will also work in a chemical or biological sense regarding the origin of life. The fact that all flora and fauna exist requires that they have a cause. Everything which exists is only capable of existing in one of two ways, either as contingent or as necessary. It cannot be both contingent and necessary as that would violate a law of logic, the law of non-contradiction (LNC) which states that you cannot have “A” and yet have “A” at the same time to the same extent. A thing cannot exist contingently...