
Showing posts from April, 2024


  By, Fair use, “It’s a miracle!” – ensign Darwin, “ There are no such things. ” – Mr. Spock. Star Trek: Into Darkness The circumstances under which this statement was made by Mr. Spock, centered around the impending demise of the Enterprise due to the ships’ warp-core being knocked offline. With no power to run the ship, the Enterprise began to plummet putting it in danger of crashing into the Earth if the warp-core could not be re-aligned. Kirk endeavored to re-align the warp-core by entering the housing compartment that contained it. The problem was the compartment was filled with radiation and although Kirk was able to restore it, doing so came at a cost. Its realignment inspired ensign Darwin to cry out, “It’s a miracle!” to which Mr. Spock retorted, “There are no such things”.      How does Mr. Spock know that miracles do not exist? Or is it simply th


  Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….  So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”. (Genesis 1:26, 27) [1] Rabbi Sandra Kviat is a progressive liberal who has written various, somewhat controversial, articles on numerous biblical topics in a series entitled, “The Bible says What”? In January of 2019 she wrote an article in Jewish News entitled, “The Bible says What? Adam is Male and Female in the First Creation Story”.       There are a number of items in this article that I take issue with.  The first has to do with one word in the scriptural quote she uses, “And God created Adam in God’s image, in the image of God, God created it ”. [2]  I have searched various versions, nearly 60 different translations both English and Hebrew, in addition to various lexicons and commentaries and found nothing indicating that this Hebrew word could be translated as “it”.  Furthermore, this word may not